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5 tips for increasing productivity

Whether it’s writing daily lists or digitising your communication, everyone has their own way of being more productive. But sometimes in the midst of a busy period at work or a stressful time at home, the techniques and tools we use to help organise our lives can be easily forgotten...

Can PR save the planet?

Plastic is big news. It’s set to outweigh the number of fish in the ocean in just 32 years and the current ocean plastic level is at 150 million tonnes. The expression ‘out of sight, out of mind,’ couldn’t be more accurate and experts are blaming people’s lack of culpability on the extreme pollution we see...

PR: What a bunch of Stunts!

When most people think of PR stunts, they might think ‘float it down the Thames’. And whilst that old cliché might be heavily overplayed, there are many innovative stunts that happen year on year and 2018 has certainly been no exception. So, let’s take a look back at some of the best stunts of the year...