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5 reasons why PR isn’t just a day job

Is PR just a day job? Definitely not. We aren’t saying that we work all the hours god sends and never take any holiday, but it’s definitely something you start to live and breathe. PR requires commitment, confidence and caring about clients, coverage and the campaign...

Friday Fun: Our Summer Social!

We like to work hard and play hard at Neo PR, so last Friday afternoon we left the office early to spend some time as a team. Fun was most definitely on the cards and it involved water balloons and gin! It was a fabulous afternoon and we were even joined by lovely Louise who is...

Is there still a place for print?

It feels like the whole world is going digital: Digital marketing, digital content and social media all plays a part of our lives to some degree. A decade ago, press coverage was pretty much only in print, but fast-forward to 2018 and receiving a piece of print coverage feels special and exciting. So is there still...