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Beauty and Brains: The Evolution of Barbie

As an office filled with mostly women, the majority of us have had a playdate with a Barbie at some point or another. Ask what the best Barbie accessories were and you’ll find us talking about her rad motorhome or enviable long-maned ponies. But while Barbie may happily run off for a weekend in a camper...

Why we should all be Virgins

For as long as I can remember I have been a people person because after all, people are what make the world go round. So when I left University and made my way into the big wide working world, I soon realised that people are the real assets in any company; get your people right and...

We’re an SME Culture Leader!

Culture is a huge part of who we are at Neo PR and it’s something we have worked hard on. We’re known for our unique culture with our countryside office, flexible working, flat structure and office dog which is why we are super proud to announce that we have been listed at #6 in Real Business’...

5 signs you love your job

I’ve had many jobs in my time from working behind the deli counter in my local store and promoting nightclub’s to managing internal communications – cut to present day I’m an account manager at Neo PR and (I can promise they didn’t pay me anything extra to say this) but I love it!...