Content Hub

Protecting Data in 2022

As data breaches and ransomware attacks continue to dominate the news agenda, cyber security should be a priority for all businesses, both large and small. Last year, the number of reported data breaches reached an all-time high and rose by 68% in the US alone, and in the UK, 39% of businesses reported having a cyber...

Always Recruiting, Sometimes Hiring

2021 was declared the ‘Great Resignation’ year, fuelled by COVID-19, rising living costs and the shift to remote working.  Most companies, regardless of size, get recruiting wrong as they don’t start looking for someone until they have a vacancy. This is a flawed strategy as it puts them constantly behind the game. And, in today’s environment where...

Sustainable Practices are Key In Today’s Modern Warehouse 

Sustainability is at the forefront of a majority of companies priority lists, especially as it continues to dominate media and business agendas. More businesses are considering how they can optimise business risk, environmental concerns, and waste cost in their supply chain to achieve sustainable operations. As businesses strive to be more sustainable, what steps can they...

Mastering the PPR – Punchy Press Release

We may work in the world of PR, meaning ‘Public Relations’, but one of the most common abbreviations we find ourselves using is ‘PR’ itself, but instead for the term ‘press release.’ And in short, a press release is a form of communication, announcing a news story, such as a partnership, product announcement or appointment to...

PR: The Persuasion Game

As there is a resurgence in the consumption of news, PR has become the supercharged tool in the marketing toolbox. Selling has always been a game of persuasion in the B2B world and thought-provoking content delivered through the media is key.  Audiences are proven to buy on referral or from trusted brands and are far more receptive...

How to Develop Strong Content

Writing is easy, right? It’s just a case of having an idea and putting pen to paper – or these days, hitting the keypad and seeing the words appear in front of you. Or maybe it’s not quite that simple… Most of us can write; many of us can write well – but few can create prose...