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Unlocking the Value of PR for Your Business

Public Relations is one of the most effective ways to build on your business's marketing strategy while supporting and creating relationships within your industry. Companies that are investing in their PR strategies are seeing a larger return on investment.   PR is all about building and managing those reputations, and as such, it’s always of high importance to...

The Benefits of Social Media to a PR campaign

Research shows that 4.62 billion people use social media – and there is no denying the power and growth social media holds. It influences people's decisions, opinions and mindsets.  A wide spectrum of individuals uses social media, whether that’s to communicate with family and friends, for entertainment, or both. And so, utilising social media to run alongside...

Transforming SME Manufacturing

The UK’s manufacturing sector has responded well to the challenges of recent years, bouncing back from the ‘brutal’ 10% decline in output in 2020. Investment in staff training, automation, technology, and R&D has created a sector now 9th largest in the world.  Yet, too many of the country’s manufacturing SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) still lag behind...

Just What Exactly is PR?

I recently attended my son’s secondary school careers fair, alongside a myriad of people with careers in fields from nursing, engineering, policing and financial services. As students filtered around the various stands and I overheard conversations, it quickly became apparent that most students had – at best – only the vaguest idea of what PR actually...

The 12 Days of Christmas: PR Rendition

Ho Ho Ho! We all know the traditional ‘12 days of Christmas’ song, but what about a PR rendition of the classic? At Neo PR, we have taken a PR ‘must-haves’ stance which includes the skills and necessities for working in Public Relations, but in a festive way:  The first PR must have that we think you need...

Why is PR a Necessity For 2023?

For businesses wanting to increase their brand awareness, take part in expert-led conversations, and drive leads to their website, PR is the secret ingredient. Why? As 2023 is now well underway, we wanted to discuss why PR is key for brands to invest in this year, as the perfect public relations strategy can tackle an oversaturated...