Three tips for a marvellous media tour

I consider myself lucky in that I like pretty much every element of my job (I even find doing press clippings soothing). However, events are hands down my favourite. From press launches to trade shows, to media tours, when it comes to event organisation I am first with my arm up...

PR 101: Back to Basics

Whether you’re completely new to PR; have managed it in-house and are new to an agency relationship; or a long-term PR hack, it can be a valuable exercise to regularly take a decent stare at the why’s and wherefore’s, and a spot of best practice...

Getting content right: our three top tips

Influencer marketing has become a popular targeting tool, with influencers overtaking celebrities as the most popular choice for brand endorsements. From bloggers to Instagrammers, brands are investing more and more time and money into influencers to reach new audiences and get ahead of the competition...

PR: The last five years

It was the 20th February 2012, Instagram was only two years old, MySpace was well and truly dead, Facebook Messenger only just existed and Snapchat hadn’t even raised it’s first round of funding yet...

The importance of Storytelling in PR

Here at Neo PR, we love a good story. Without realising, we all tell stories every single day; from within our PR campaigns, to when we tell people what we’ve done with our day. As humans, we respond to stories, so it’s no surprise that the foundations of PR lay in storytelling!...

PR myths debunked!

You may have done some PR before, in-house or with an agency; you may have sent out a press release on a newswire or you may have never engaged in PR before. Whichever category you fall into, you would have likely come across some old wives tales about PR, its processes and most definitely its people...

Where does PR stand in a world of Fake News?

It’s a hot topic at the moment. There has been an increasing number of ‘news’ stories going viral that end up being untrue. From a fake fire in Germany to leaked documents from a certain US President, fake news is becoming an issue. So where does PR stand in this ever more confusing News-universe?...