PR: What a bunch of Stunts!

When most people think of PR stunts, they might think ‘float it down the Thames’. And whilst that old cliché might be heavily overplayed, there are many innovative stunts that happen year on year and 2018 has certainly been no exception. So, let’s take a look back at some of the best stunts of the year...

Is there still a place for print?

It feels like the whole world is going digital: Digital marketing, digital content and social media all plays a part of our lives to some degree. A decade ago, press coverage was pretty much only in print, but fast-forward to 2018 and receiving a piece of print coverage feels special and exciting. So is there still...

Why we should all be Virgins

For as long as I can remember I have been a people person because after all, people are what make the world go round. So when I left University and made my way into the big wide working world, I soon realised that people are the real assets in any company; get your people right and...

How to make the most of a trade show

Trade shows are not only great opportunities to showcase your business’s products and/or services to key customers; they can also be a fantastic platform to further extend relationships with target media publications. From setting up media briefings to securing speaking opportunities...

Hello GDPR, goodbye marketing as we know it

On 25th May 2018, the world of digital direct marketing meets the proverbial cliff edge, which will undoubtedly have huge effects on the marketing industry. In the run-up to the implementation of the regulation, the noise surrounding GDPR and the effect it’ll have on the industry hasn’t been loud enough...

5 tips for a great research project

What do David and Victoria Beckham, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, and Jay Z and Beyonce have in common? They’ve all been in a relationship for over a decade, in some cases much longer. On the other end of the spectrum, Sex and the City fans will know.....