The building blocks of PR

Industry trends may come and go, and your business will evolve and grow, but the basic building blocks of your PR campaign should remain the same. Each aspect of your campaign plays a part in its success and creating a campaign that is built to last and stand the test of time, whatever changes are going...

Fall in love with your PR

What do David and Victoria Beckham, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, and Jay Z and Beyonce have in common? They’ve all been in a relationship for over a decade, in some cases much longer. On the other end of the spectrum, Sex and the City fans will know.....

Five ways to make the most of December downtime

Unless you work in retail, most B2B companies tend to slow down a little over Christmas. For PR agencies that are on, for what feels like 365 days a year, the wind down to the holiday season is the perfect opportunity to get the jobs done that are essential to the maintenance of the campaigns and...

The connected PR campaign

When it comes to assessing the value of PR, there are many different theories over which part of a campaign proves to have the biggest impact on a business. We don’t however, believe it’s good to focus on just on one or two or even three aspects – it’s the whole package that gives a campaign...

Choosing a PR agency: Is boutique better?

We pride ourselves in being a smaller agency. In fact, we, and our clients see it as an asset. Size isn’t always everything (unless it’s a slice of chocolate cake or a G&T), and sometimes choosing a smaller agency could work out better for your business. Granted, we could be a little biased, but hear us...

Why does B2B technology need PR?

We would tell you that PR is important for B2B technology because it’s what we do. But we’re all about helping you make informed decisions about your PR and marketing strategy, so we thought we would give you three reasons why we think PR is essential for any B2B technology company...

The Five P’s of Event Success

As the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail, and this couldn’t be truer when organising your PR event. Event season is imminent but with a checklist in place, there is no reason for your event not to be a complete hit!...