Content in any form – let’s celebrate it!
A good friend recently set me a challenge. I’d spoken a lot about wanting to read more having heard about her passion for reading, how she makes the time to read and what an escapism it is for her in today’s busy and full life. She had been set a challenge herself by one of her friends, to read her age each year (no, I’m not going to tell you what this year’s target is, that’s just mean – but let’s just say, it starts with a four!) and last year, she breezed it. Totally inspirational! So her challenge to me: read 12 books in a year.
Challenge accepted
I had no choice but to accept – firstly because I am super competitive and love a target, but also because I am certainly older than 12-years-old and if she can read her age in a year, I can most certainly read a book a month. I was also fascinated; in a role where content is at the very heart of all our client campaigns at Neo, I was keen to explore styles, language, storytelling and awaken my brain further to these concepts through reading more.
So, in January, I started my challenge and I couldn’t believe how easy it was to make the time – mainly because I was enjoying it so much. I’d always maintained that I didn’t read fiction because I found it a waste of time. If I wasn’t reading something that could help me in everyday life – ‘how to’ books, business and career-focussed books, psychology and self-help, parenting books – then taking time out to read just wasn’t constructive enough for me.
Finding your style
But again, following advice and recommendation, I took the plunge into the crime, thriller and mystery genre and haven’t looked back. How wrong I was about wasting time – the escapism is the best! I’ve still got a mixed reading list for my 12 books but I’m certainly more open to varying what I’m reading now and learning what I like.
Next Thursday 7th March is World Book Day – a date, for the past five years, I have previously dreaded as I scramble around desperately trying to find the perfect dress-up outfit for my children to wear to school/nursery and celebrate the joy of reading – something I’d always actively encouraged at home…just not for myself! But now, this day holds so much more for me as I’ve found
Hitting the moving target
We all know that the way content is being consumed is changing and continues to change, fast. But ultimately, in whatever form – book (paper or digital), article, blog, social post, our need for ‘input’ (Johnny-Five again!) has never been greater. However, getting that content right for the end reader, leaving them wanting more and changing assumptions (fiction anyone…?) is key to engaging audiences and is where truly good content has its place.