Meet the Team: Amy’s 5 Necessities for Lockdown Life

Meet the Team: Amy’s 5 Necessities for Lockdown Life

Team Neo PR is continuing to grow! Now is a great time to introduce you to our latest recruit, Amy, who is joining the team as a Senior Account Manager! Joining a business mid-pandemic can be quite a strange way to start a new job, but we can’t wait to all meet up, especially with the recent additions to our team, once lockdown is over. In the meantime, Amy has listed her top five necessities to get through lockdown life:


When I was younger, my mum used to go to ‘Keep Fit’ on a Monday night, and my dad would put a record on – either Michael Jackson, The Who, Jimmy Summerville or Wham! My dad, brother and I would then all dance around the living room and eat treats that we weren’t allowed when mum was there. This started my absolute love of music from the 60s – 2000s. I rarely listen to anything that was released beyond 2010, I couldn’t even tell you who is Number 1 on the charts right now. I now have my own record player and a huge collection of records! One of my favourite things over this lockdown is to pick a record and drink a glass of red while listening to it!


I love to run, it helps me clear my head and get some fresh air in my lungs. I’m by no means a long distance runner, I’ve done a few half marathons but they are a struggle! I like to get my trainers on most days and head out for a few laps around the park. My favourite type of run is a 20-minute two mile run, a short burst of energy at lunchtime helps me reset and continue with my day. Perhaps I’ll get the team at Neo PR onboard?


As well as being a dog mum, I’m also a plant mum and I’m very attached to my little plant children. I think they brighten up a room and give it some character. However, I do have to control myself at garden centres (lucky they are still open during lockdown restrictions!) or I’ll end up living in a jungle. My plant children total currently stands at seven! 


There is something heart-warming about making a cup of tea, sitting on the sofa in your comfy clothes and reading a book. Lockdown has meant that with the extra time we have, it has reignited my love of getting immersed in a book. I’m a broad reader, so my collection ranges from true crime books to learning about World War II. My 93 year old grandfather and I have a book exchange going on between us, he is currently reading Captain Tom’s autobiography and I’m currently reading Barak Obama’s autobiography – which is a huge book to get through, but I’m interested to read about him discussing key points throughout his term and what it meant to him and America.


It’s no surprise to anyone who knows me how long I’ve wanted a miniature sausage dog called Baguette, in fact, I began to sound like a broken record. One positive thing about Covid (pardon the pun) means that we have so much more time at home and this lead to a light bulb moment…with this extra time, I can focus my energy into training a dog. So, in a spontaneous decision a few weeks ago, I am now the proud dog mum of Baguette and she is the sweetest little thing! 

If you’d like to get to know Amy more, follow her on Twitter or LinkedIn!

Our team is always expanding, and we’re currently on the lookout for a new Junior Account Executive or Account Executive to join the team. If you’ve got a passion for PR, savvy writing skills and understand social media, then get in touch with your CV at

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Blog posts from Team Neo PR.

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