The 12 Days of Christmas: PR Rendition
Ho Ho Ho!
We all know the traditional ‘12 days of Christmas’ song, but what about a PR rendition of the classic? At Neo PR, we have taken a PR ‘must-haves’ stance which includes the skills and necessities for working in Public Relations, but in a festive way:
The first PR must have that we think you need is a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The second PR must have that we think you need is good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The third PR must have that we think you need is finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The fourth PR must have that we think you need is keeping up with the trends, finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The fifth PR must have that we think you need is time management, keeping up with the trends, finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The sixth PR must have that we think you need is knowing your objectives, time management, keeping up with the trends, finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The seventh PR must have that we think you need is creating opportunities, knowing your objectives, time management, keeping up with the trends, finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The eighth PR must have that we think you need is strong people skills, creating opportunities, knowing your objectives, time management, keeping up with the trends, finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The ninth PR must have that we think you all need is being social media savvy, strong people skills, creating opportunities, knowing your objectives, time management, keeping up with the trends, finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The tenth PR must have that we think you all need is research of the subject, being social media savvy, strong people skills, creating opportunities, knowing your objectives, time management, keeping up with the trends, finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The eleventh PR must have that we think you need is attentiveness to detail, research of the subject, being social media savvy, strong people skills, creating opportunities, knowing your objectives, time management, keeping up with the trends, finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.
The twelfth PR must have that we think you all need is securing client coverage, attentiveness to detail, research of the subject, being social media savvy, strong people skills, creating opportunities, knowing your objectives, time management, working with the trends, finding new angles, good storytelling and a strong campaign that’s engaging.