Meet the Team: 5 Essentials Olivia Can’t Live Without
We thought it was about time that you got to know our team a little better, and who better to start with than our newest recruit, Olivia!

Hi, my name is Olivia Rashid and I have very recently joined the Neo PR Team. I was absolutely thrilled to get a job during this pandemic as I thought it would be near-impossible – let alone getting a job in a sector that I am passionate about. As I am new to the team, what better way to get to know me than through five essential items I cannot live without?
I love running (although the shorter the distance, the better) but getting outside for 20 minutes with my music loud has become so important to me during the pandemic. This is my first job in PR and I am constantly challenging myself mentally, so it’s nice to clear my head and have a break from the screen.
A Good Book
I do love a good story but I am currently reading Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall. The book explores the geo-political relationship between countries by looking at history and assessing how that has influenced the present and can be used to explore future possibilities. Having done a History degree at the University of Southampton, I find it interesting how the past has influenced the present. I have always loved writing and being forced to think critically – which is one thing I am especially excited about doing in PR.
Reusable Water Bottle
If you know me you know that I will have a reusable water bottle somewhere close to hand. Without a steady stream of water (and coffee) I struggle to function during the day – and in the fast-paced world of PR, it keeps me sharp and focused (and it’s great for the environment).
The one food I cannot live without. I will have chocolate every day and if I’m thinking about a snack while I’m sitting at my desk – it will definitely be chocolate-related. My favourite times of the year are therefore Halloween, Christmas and Easter where my chocolate addiction can be fuelled.
I was incredibly lucky to go travelling for five months, embarking on the classic ‘gap year’ in October 2019. It was cut short by a month because of Covid-19 but I count my blessings every day that I got to experience the amazing places and people before international travel became restricted. I learnt that I love living out of my comfort zone (something I realised while sitting on the edge of a plane 15,000ft in the air with a massive smile on my face). I also learnt – like any good PR – that the news is my best friend after following the threat of coronavirus for months. I cannot wait to go exploring again when the world is back to normal – Bali is number one on my list.
These essentials have made me realise that I am especially suited to a career in PR. I am incredibly lucky enough to be working with a supportive and dynamic team and I cannot wait to develop my skills and learn as much as I can from them about the world of PR!
If you’d like to get to know Olivia, follow her on Twitter or check her out on Linkedin!