3 things that Marketing Automation and PR have in common
So, today marks the end of my first week at Neo PR and it’s provided me with the opportunity to reflect on my past career in Marketing Automation and the key learnings I can take forward as I step back into my old PR shoes which started through my university degree. It’s great to have a mixture of transferable skills, especially when they all make the perfect combination to create the best PR role model.
Coming from a background of Marketing Automation, it was key for my past clients to measure past performance so we can always seek methods of improvement or key optimisation techniques and practices. If we didn’t use the data we had, then how did we know if they are performing well or not? How would we know if our target audience opened or clicked on their campaign or behavioural emails, let alone made a purchase?
Jumping back into PR, I’ve picked out the top 3 reasons that link Marketing Automation and the unveiling world of PR together again.
Understand who you are talking to
In my previous role, it was important to understand who you were talking to, which we referred to as engagement segmentation. It was vital to treat the ‘super-engaged’ as high valued customers to ensure they felt important to the client, and vice versa when we analysed the opposite end of the spectrum: disengaged customers. Here at Neo PR, sharing our content with the right publications and journalists is just the same, albeit terminology, in order for our clients to receive maximum coverage and traction with their go-to-market message.
Have a clear strategy
Standing out from the competition is key, regardless of what tactics you’re using; either PR or Marketing Automation. Distributing targeted messages at the right time to the right group of people is a recipe for success. Sending content out at the same time as your competitors, or at the same time as another piece of breaking news, will cause your message to get missed and creates lost opportunities. Keeping topical and relevant within your content strategy is integral, as is ensuring that you are contributing to the wider conversation where relevant.
Keep pushing yourself
Change is a good thing. Stepping out of the norm and trying something different can be rewarding. The added benefit of remaining in an agency, rather than in-house, allows me to dip in and out of different sectors. From retail and leisure previously, now I have the opportunity to be creative, writing anything from blog posts for Neo PR to press releases and soundbites for our client’s audience to enjoy.
I’m looking forward to getting my teeth back into the PR word and enjoy the thrill of agency life. It is great becoming part of the NeoPRian culture, learning more about our clients and helping them put their best foot forward for what will be a busy 2020! As we all wind down for the festive period, drinking and eating a little too much (almost definitely!) sets us up to become focused, determined and ready to exceed when we return back to work feeling refreshed and energised in January.
Say hi to Catherine or ask her a question – tweet her @Catherine_NeoPR.