Meet the Team: Faye’s Journey to PR
Neo PR is a growing B2B tech public relations agency, and we’ve just recently hired our newest Junior Account Executive, Faye! After studying journalism at university, Faye was interested in starting her career in PR, and what better way to begin than at Neo PR! Find out more about her below:
I have always craved a career that would allow me to utilise my love for writing and my interest in politics and world issues, and so when I went to Liverpool John Moores University, it made sense that a degree in journalism was the right path to follow.
Journalism Studies
During my studies, we were encouraged to study a public relations module, where I learned about the importance of media relationships, ethical PR standards and crisis management. Although I did not know a lot about PR at the time, I knew from the get-go, I had the feeling that I would be returning to this industry in the future.
Additionally, I undertook some work experience as a content writer for Boxmove, a company that moves deliveries across the country for its clients. This cemented my interest in PR – giving me a taste of the working world. Here I learned the importance of clients’ social media and what goes into creating social media posts, as well as writing blogs. I also worked heavily with the wider team and found brainstorming meetings enjoyable where we discussed the client’s wants and needs, and how they were going to be met.
Unlike journalism, PR allows for more freedom in respect to creativity, whether that be through press releases or social media channels. To me, this was far more appealing than the strict do’s and don’ts of journalism. I like the idea of being factual, but without totally stunting my creative flair. A journalism degree taught me a great deal about being a journalist, and being on the flip side of that relationship is going to be an interesting one!
Abroad Work
During my time at university and prior to gaining my degree, I waitressed in Greece for two summer seasons, meeting many different people from all over the world. This experience improved my confidence and gave me excellent people and communication skills, which can be absolutely carried over to a career in PR, especially one which is so client facing! Although I know that these two jobs are nothing alike, interacting with lots of different people is what makes work exciting and enjoyable, and something that the PR route can offer me.
Why Neo PR?
Neo PR appealed to me as an entry route into PR as the agency has a different approach to the workplace and offers a non-traditional hybrid model. Since the pandemic, employees expect a better work-life balance, and at Neo, their flexible working hours are a result of that. Working in the office is encouraged at least once a week, which allows everyone to catch up as a team and socialise together, especially when there is cake and chocolate on offer!
During my induction training week, the team took me under their wing and guided me through some of the basics of PR. So far, I’ve learned more about the importance of clients’ social media, the process of sending out press releases and the many processes that I will be coming to grips with within the coming weeks.
Looking to the Future
I am looking forward to getting stuck into PR, learning everything I can from a tight-knit team – partaking in what not only will propel me into the field, but also teach me a lot about the industry as a whole. I know I am in very safe hands with the team at Neo, and I’m excited about working hard alongside the team, but also having fun along the way!
To find out more about Faye, you can follow her on Twitter here, or LinkedIn here. Neo PR is currently recruiting for a variety of roles, from Junior Account Executives to Account Managers. If you are interested in PR or have experience in content writing and client management, get in touch at prworks@neopr.co.uk