Humans: the ultimate example of 360 marketing
If you haven’t watched Channel 4’s Humans yet then you are really missing out. If robots weren’t weird enough, Channel 4 makes them even more creepy; but in the best way.
In the office we all fell for the insanely good marketing from Persona Synthetics around the launch of the show last year, I even wrote a blog about it. But they have upped the game with Series 2 and we love it!
Channel 4 has truly embraced the meaning of 360 marketing with their latest Persona Synthetics advert where they are recalling their malfunctioning synths. From linking back to social media, the website and even allowing viewers to have a live Facebook messenger conversation with a synth, which then coincidentally malfunctions mid conversation, the latest marketing campaign is very, very clever.
The team have even gone to the effort of allowing you to download returns labels and put in your postcode to find your nearest collection service. Returns trucks have also been spotted across the country at a variety of well-populated locations, adding to the believability.
The immersive nature of this marketing campaign is a great example of true 360 marketing and Channel 4 should be applauded for their efforts and meticulous attention to detail.
And if you are further intrigued you can watch Humans on Channel 4 on Sundays at 9pm.
Let us know what you think of the Humans campaign @NeoPRLtd.