12 top tips for a sparkling PR campaign
Public relations is becoming increasingly more diverse and challenging and for those who want to know the ropes on their own, here are our 12 top public relations tips to woo, win over and wow your prospects.
Tip One: Quality over Quantity
The old phrase ‘quality over quantity’ is very true for public relations. Don’t fall into the all too tempting trap of engaging in every form of social media, marketing and advertising there is out there. Pick the channels that are right for your business and come up with a sophisticated plan.
Tip Two: Define your goals and get the message right
Every PR campaign should start with the development of clearly defined goals. What do you want to achieve? Each client will have a core set of messages that are vital to its brand. Integrate these into each piece of content and tailor this to successfully achieve your targets.
Tip Three: It’s all about providing the correct content
Writing good content for press releases, articles, blogs or even social media posts remains – and always will remain – the most important part of PR. Not only does it have to be well written, it has to resonate with potential customers and you must always optimise for SEO with keywords and tags.
Tip Four: Become a commentator not a bystander
In a 24/7 media landscape, its vital to keep a steady eye on the media in your sector – whether this is reading the newspaper, logging onto trusted blogs and websites, or following the rolling news agenda on Twitter. If a story breaks, issuing comment quickly to journalists is vital to get ahead of your competitors.
Tip Five: Segment your audience, and remember them
It’s crucial in PR to know your audience. A scattergun approach won’t provide you with the ultimate results; giving one person something tailored does. So segment, segment and segment again. It is important to have an understanding of whom you should be targeting with each piece of content and the tighter defined your audience, the better chance you have of connecting with them.
Tip Six: Innovation is Key
Don’t use the same old methods that everyone else has already used. Challenge every assumption and think of inventive and unique ways to grab the attention of your audience. And most importantly, get to the point and don’t beat around the bush!
Tip Seven: Stories not statistics – it’s the why, not the what
People like stories, but they don’t always enjoy facts. Think about the story you want to tell – your narrative – and tell it. Where we were, where we are now, where you’re going and crucially why your audience need to know this and be involved. Let the audience know you understand their world rather than provide them with a list of features to work out for themselves.
Tip Eight: Industry Networking
A handshake says a lot about a person and so does LinkedIn, so utilise its services and connect with every mover and shaker in your industry. A good relationship is key to the success of PR.
Tip Nine: Stop talking, just listen
PR is all about understanding both client and journalist needs and you can only do that by listening to what they are saying and asking from you. Encourage an open door policy and always incite feedback. The more you know about their requirements the more likely you are to successfully implement them.
Tip Ten: Be the expert in your industry
Sounds simple enough, right? Be sure to position yourself and your brand as the perfect expert. Research the industry and ‘hot topic’ thoroughly. Watch, research, connect, and follow every outlet and person you are pitching. Set up a Google alert for the news or product theme, and take advantage of alerts offered by individual media outlets.
Tip Eleven: Move with the times, be part of the conversation online
Stop relying upon sending out a mass of press releases and instead engage in meaningful conversations online. Comment on relevant articles and engage in Twitter debates and LinkedIn groups, as you’re more likely to reach your target audience whilst interacting with the platforms they use.
Tip Twelve: Bottomless Blogging
Blogging is a great way to talk about your product or service, but blogging has to be well managed, regular and consistent. Guest blogging on other relevant sites can also increase exposure and give you another opportunity to talk about the important aspects of your brand. Ensure that the blog is of a high standard and that it is entertaining to read, otherwise nobody will read it!
Tweet us at @NeoPRLtd and tell us what your top tips for a successful PR campaign are.
We would like to wish all of our clients, colleagues and followers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you in 2017!