3 reasons you should have an office dog
Every day in the Neo PR office is ‘Bring Your Dog To Work Day’ as we have our very own office pooch, Sam! Sam belongs to our MD, Ash, who brings him into the office most days. We might be a little biased, but we think that everyone should have an office dog. In case it needed justifying any further, here are three reasons every office should have a furry friend.
1. Stress less
As humans, we are not designed to work in high power, high-pressure environments for eight hours a day. There are lots of studies that prove that pets have a positive impact on your mental health. Puppy cuddles release the stress-reducing hormone, oxytocin and decrease the production of the stress hormone, cortisol. This results in an overall relaxed environment and happier colleagues!
2. Walkies!
It’s common knowledge that you should get away from your desk around every hour. But how many of you actually do it? Dogs give you an excuse to get up from your desk for walkies, whether it be a quick spin around the block or a longer lunchtime stroll. At Neo PR, we’re very lucky to be in the beautiful Buckinghamshire countryside which means we can totally switch off, leaving our screens for enough time to return with more clarity.
3. Boosts team morale
Dogs feel like one of the family and Sam most definitely feels like one of our team – he even has his own ‘About Me’ page on our website. Sam wonders around the office looking for his next pat and tummy rub, and in an office atmosphere, this may help team members interacting and building relationships which each other on a non-work basis. Studies have shown that a pet-friendly office can result in more productive hours and lower levels of employee absence!
Do you have an office dog? We’d love to see! Tweet us a photo: @NeoPRLtd